
Comma, 2023 

Naturally preserved mosses and flora, collected rocks, clear acrylic

Permanent Collection for Crown Realty Partners at 400 University Ave, Toronto, ON 

Comma reflects the concept of taking a short pausewhere everything is dormant, yet alive in a deep state of sleeping.

Comma comments on the state of emergency ournatural world is currently in. Using the juxtaposition of acrylic to hold theseliving ecosystems by creating contrast between these two materials as theycoexist. These architectural sculptures reflect on the moment in time that weare currently living in, coming out of the plastic age, while starting to criticallylook at stages of remediation.

These fragmented environments are a symbol and holding space forhope and positive change where rewilding and preserving these fragile ecosystemsare prioritized and possible. 

Vincent Massey Academy, 2023

Faces of Pride 

Working with six primary school classes from Vincent Massey Academy, students learned how to paint their own portrait using only primary and secondary colours. Classes also came up with words to describe their community, which are also displayed in the artwork. Faces were arranged, mounted, sealed and hung within the school.  

Luminato Festival, 2022

Life In Plastic 

Chicken wire, plants, upcycled plastic single use bags

This project is inspired by the artists on-going study and research on single use plastics and microplastics and how they affect our ecosystems, waterways, air, and food. For most, plastic waste is a far-away problem and does not affect one directly, or at least that’s the easier way of thinking. However, in a new study microplastics have been detected within human blood samples, found by researchers in the Netherlands and published in Environmental International Journal. Directly connecting humans to the plastic food chain cycle and is now impacting one’s health directly. The artist believes when studies like these come out it puts an urgency on these matters and there’s a glimmer of hope for real change and action to emerge.

At first the figures appear invisible, adding the focus on the natural elements of the heads. As participants come and join each will write down and add a wish or intention on the Upcycled plastic strips, that were used for a temporary art installation with the Town of Oakville last summer (that were originally plastic bags collected from the pandemic) and then tie them onto one of the figures, collectively making the figures more present, while creating plastic garments for each figure. This action is to showcase the symbiotic relationships humans have with the natural world and bring awareness inwards, collectively taking action and making an impact. 

ConNextions, 2021 

"Stronger Together" 

This work is a temporary public art installation apart of The Town of Oakville's ConNextion Projects that includes 7 emerging and professional artists.

"Stronger Together" is an installation that is made up from 668 plastic single-use grocery bags that were collected and donated by the community. These bags were then turned into a textile and woven into the existing structure at Westwood Park in Oakville, ON. This work was in response to the plastic ban affect that was suppose to be put into place by 2021, but due to the pandemic  this date was extended. The process of weaving and collecting from the community brings a message of hope and if we work together we can come up with more sustainable and innovative ways to build a stronger community.

Oakville Children's Festival, 2019

Cultural Booth Coordinator

The Town of Oakville hired me to animate the Town of Oakville's Culture Booth with interactive crafts for kids for the Annual Oakville Children's Festival. Using reclaimed and recycled materials children could choose from the following crafts: DIY Flags, Dancing Ribbons and Bands, and Frida Flower Headbands. I also created a Community Based Art Installation titled Noodle Connection. Noodle Connection is a creative space for non-structured play where kids can work together or independently to create an immersive play structure. 

Find Your Element Project (Earth), 2019

Find Your Element Project (Earth), 2019

In Partnership with The City of Toronto, Cultural Hotspot, and UrbanArts

Find Your Element Project is a community initiative, working with four Toronto Based Artist who represent the various elements within their art (Earth, Water, Fire, Air). Each artist delivered four workshops within their category at the following Community Based Centres: Access Point on Jane, Art4All, West Park Healthcare Centre, Artscape weston Common. Each artist also completed a 24 hour based Artist Residency, working with 3-4 emerging artists to create a large-scale permanent artwork.  

Particles of the Humber is what we created during our 24 hour Artist Residency for Earth. During our residency we learned about the history of the Humber River as well as the indigenous and medicinal plants along the river, we collected and cleaned up the shoreline along The Humber River and Sunnyside Beach (Lake Ontario), and created a large scale mosaic with the plastic particles we collected. Particles of the Humber will be planted with indigenous and invasive plant species when it is permanently installed. 

The Cactus Garden, 2019 

In support with Canada Council of the Arts

“The Cactus Garden” is a larger than life 3D dessert that can be experienced during the day and at night. Kids will be invited to decorate the cacti using neon markers that will glow in black lights. This project is an ecological awareness project shedding light on global warming and how it affects various ecosystems such as the dessert.

Special thanks to:

Kidsfort, Treefort Music Festical for having me participate in this festival.

Canada Council for the Arts who helped fund this project by providing me with an Artist Travel Grant.

Weaving Together, 2018 

"Weaving Together" was a community and collaborative    2-day weaving project that apart of Treefort Music Fest, Kidsfort section. 

Treefort Music Fest happens annually in Boise, Idaho. 

All materials used for this installation were all re-cycled, re-purposed, and donated materials by the community of Boise. 

Special thanks to:

Foothills School of Art and Science 

Re-Use Market 

North End Organic Market 

Cloudflower: Reflecting Community, 2015 

Artist Assistant to Douglas Walker 

This mural was designed and painted by Toronto Artist Douglas Walker, whom I assisted during the creation and installation of this project.  Cloudflower: Reflecting Community was Installed in the Cornell Community Centre and Library as a response to the activities, use of the space, and the positive and tranquil energies within this space that the community brings. 

Cowell Laneway Mosaic Mural 2016

Lead Artist Cristina Delago

The Coxwell Laneway Mosaic Mural was a community based project in the east-end of Toronto, installed behind Coxwell TTC Station in a Green P lot. This project was lead by artist Cristina Delago and was created by emerging artists, youth, and community members. This mural aims to celebrate the life and spirit of the surrounding community. 

Reclaiming Rivers, 2017

Youth Artist Coordinator for Jason Baerg

Reclaiming Rivers I at Lawrence West 

Reclaiming Rivers III at Scarlett Road

As one of the site managers on this project through UrbanArts Communtiy Arts Council local youth worked with Metis-Cree artist Jason Baerg in order to create two large scale murals along the Humber River and Pan Am Path. His intention were to restore the original names of the Humber through text based art and symbolic designs. 

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